The Public Works Department, Water Division is responsible for operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant and water distribution system.
Water is obtained from an underground aquifer through wells and pumped to the water treatment plant. At the plant, water is treated for removal of iron and manganese and supplemented with chlorine, fluoride and corrosion inhibitor and pumped to underground storage.
High service pumps withdraw the water from underground storage and pump it to the distribution system and water tower.
The Water Division is staffed by a Water Superintendent, four Plant Operators and a Meter Service Worker.
Water Quality Reports:
The Public Works Department, Engineering Division is responsible for the development and construction of public improvements undertaken by the City in the areas of streets and roadways, storm sewers, sanitary sewers and wastewater treatment and water treatment and water distribution.
The Engineering Division also coordinates with land developers in the development and construction of public improvements. The Engineering Division is staffed by the Public Works Director/City Engineer, Engineering Technician and Secretary.
The Public Works Department, Street Division is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all street transportation-related facilities within the City. These include roadway maintenance, snow removal and ice control, traffic services, street cleaning, storm sewers and trees.
Roadway maintenance includes the repair and maintenance of City streets. The roadway structures include Portland cement concrete, hot mixed asphalt, composite pavement and granular surfaced roadways. Maintenance includes full-depth, partial-depth and surface patching and crack and joint sealing.
Snow removal and ice control is an emergency service performed as weather conditions require. The level of service provided is adopted by Resolution of the City Council and includes concentration of primary effort on a network of first and second priority streets linking essential services and providing an open roadway within approximately three blocks of any address location within the City. Following the priority streets, all other streets, parking lots and alleys are cleared.
Traffic services includes the construction, repair and maintenance of all traffic signing. It also includes the maintenance and repair of traffic signals.
The Street Division is staffed by a Street Superintendent, Equipment Mechanic and six Municipal Service Workers.
The Public Works Department, Wastewater Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the sanitary sewage collection system and wastewater treatment plant.
The collection system consists of underground pipes throughout the City ranging in size from 8 inches to 36 inches. Also included in the collection system are lift stations. The age of the collection system varies from less than one year to approximately 100 years.
The wastewater treatment plant provides secondary treatment to all wastewater discharged to the collection system. Wastewater treatment plant effluent quality is regulated by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit issued by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
The Wastewater Division is staffed by a Wastewater Superintendent and four Plant Operators.