Speculative Home Construction Loan Assistance Program
The need for additional home construction in Carroll has never been greater than now. Risk related to the construction of speculative homes is one factor that may be holding some home builders back. To help mitigate the risk in speculative home construction the Carroll Community Banks (Availa Bank, Commercial Savings Bank, Iowa Savings Bank, United Bank of Iowa, and Westside State Bank) have joined forces to create a housing fund to help reduce the risk of speculative home construction in Carroll.
The premise of the program is simple, build a speculative home in the City of Carroll and if the home does not sell within the first six months the housing fund developed by the Carroll Community Banks will make interest payments on the loan for the next six months. This simple program has been developed in other Iowa communities and has resulted in a boom of speculative home construction in those communities.
Full details and an application can be found below. Questions on this program, contact one of the participating Carroll Community Banks (Availa Bank, Commercial Savings Bank, Iowa Savings Bank, United Bank of Iowa, and Westside State Bank).