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February Live Virtual Author Talks

In the depths of winter, books can bring us together.  This February’s Online Author Talks are giving us a lot to talk about!  Smithsonian curator Sabrina Sholts starts our month as she talks about how the very fact of being human increases our pandemic risks—and gives us the power to save ourselves. Waubgeshig Rice is joining us to chat about his newest book Moon of the Turning Leaves, the hotly anticipated sequel to the bestselling novel Moon of the Crusted Snow, a brooding story of survival, resilience, Indigenous identity, and rebirth. And to complete our month, journalist and author Lee Hawkins will talk to us about examining his family’s legacy of post-enslavement trauma and resilience in his riveting memoir, I Am Nobody’s Slave.

Whether you join us for the live-stream or go back to watch the recording, you can submit questions for our presenters when you register ahead of time for the talks! All registered participants will receive a link to the recording through their email.

For more information or to register, click on the following links:

How We Create Pandemics, From our Bodies to our Beliefs with Smithsonian Curator Sabrina Sholts – Tuesday, February 4

Dystopian Tropes from an Indigenous Perspective: In Conversation with Waubgeshig Rice, February 11

I Am Nobody’s Slave: An Author Talk with Pulitzer Prize Finalist Lee Hawkins, February 18

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